Acute pancreatitis (Acute hemorrhagic pancreatic necrosis)

The acute pancreatitis (acute hemorrhagic pancreatic necrosis) is characterized by acute inflammation and necrosis of pancreas parenchyma, focal enzyme necrosis of pancreatic fat and vessels necrosis - hemorrhage. These are produced by intrapancreatic activation of pancreatic enzymes. Lipase activation produces the necrosis of fat tissue in pancreatic interstitium (photo) and peripancreatic spaces. Necrotic fat cells appear as shadows, contours of cells, lacking the nucleus, pink, finely granular cytoplasm. It is possible to find calcium precipitates (hematoxylinophilic). Digestion of vascular walls results in thrombosis and hemorrhage. Inflammatory infiltrate is rich in neutrophils. (H&E, ob.x10)
Acute pancreatitis (Acute hemorrhagic pancreatic necrosis) (detail)

The acute pancreatitis (acute hemorrhagic pancreatic necrosis). Area of fat tissue necrosis due to lipase activation in the pancreatic interlobular space. The adjacent vessel presents thrombosis and hemorrhage. (H&E, ob.x40)