Myocardial infarct healing

Myocardial infarct healing

Myocardial infarct (healing commencing) - between 5th and 10th day. In area of coagulative ischemic necrosis, myocardial fibers preserve their contour, but the cytoplasm is intensely eosinophilic and transversal striations and nuclei are lost. The interstitium of the infarcted area is initially infiltrated with neutrophils, then with lymphocytes and macrophages, in order to fagocitate the myocyte debris. The necrotic area is surrounded and progressively invaded by granulation tissue (see "Granulation tissue") which will replace the infarct with a fibrous (collagenous) scar. (H&E, ob. x4, multifield digitally composed picture)

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Last updated : 01/30/2009